Ayisi – An Afro Christmas (Full Tape)

Ayisi - An Afro Christmas
Ayisi An Afro Christmas

After ‘Prayer’ and ‘Mokole’, maybe it would not be too much of a reach to have another uplifting song from Ayisi.

The talent goes all out on an Afrobeat rendition tape of five favorite Christmas carols and boy, everyone must hear this. Titled ‘’An Afro Christmas’’ and produced by Groovy, the tape is not only danceable to but a classy Ghanaian production. Stream here: https://fanlink.to/Ayisi-AnAfroChristmas

‘’Christmas has always brought a cathartic moment with it and even though I wasn’t much of a ‘carols’ person growing up, I wanted to somewhat capture these songs in an Afrobeat version and hope people would warm up to it.’’, Ayisi expressed

For this season and many more to come God willing, we at least hope he would do more than five of these carols for the festive seasons as some would argue that just five aren’t enough lol. We’ll take anything we can get from Ayisi for now, An Afro Christmas, enjoy!

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