Beats & InstrumentalBisa Kdei – Baba [Saxophone Version]Kwame Agyei CueApril 28, 2014April 6, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueApril 28, 2014April 6, 20200 Its Bisa Kdei bringing to us the saxophone version of the song that recently won him the song writer of the year award. A song...
Beats & InstrumentalMusicDavido – Aye (Instrumental)Kwame Agyei CueApril 5, 2014January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueApril 5, 2014January 5, 20200 To the Deejays and all microphone rockers. Download the instrumental of the infamous AYE by Davido and do your thing with it. It is the...