MusicCastro – Medofo Feat. Baby JetKwame Agyei CueFebruary 2, 2014January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueFebruary 2, 2014January 5, 20200 Castro just gave out one song off his “Back To Sender” Album. The title is “Medofo” and it features the one and only Baby Jet,...
Music VideoWATCH: Castro – Odo Pa Ft. Baby Jet & Kofi Kinaata (Official Video)Kwame Agyei CueSeptember 28, 2013October 4, 2022 by Kwame Agyei CueSeptember 28, 2013October 4, 20220 Video directed by Nana Asihene of NKACC and stars popular faces in the showbiz industry like Agya Koo and Funny Face. You wouldn’t wanna miss...