MusicKwaw Kese – Keep Quiet Ft. Buda & KillmaticKwame Agyei CueJanuary 2, 2014January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueJanuary 2, 2014January 5, 20200 From Madtime music comes a new one from the ‘Man Insane’, Kwaw Kese, together with Buda and Killmatic on a controversial piece, Keep Quiet. Download...
MusicBuda – Wobeti ft. Sarkodie (Prod. By Nshorna)Kwame Agyei CueNovember 26, 2013January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueNovember 26, 2013January 5, 20200 From MadTime Entertainment, is an uprising talent, Buda, called by most as “Young Abodam”. He takes it to the next level as he features the...
MusicKwaw Kese – Shoe Lace (Feat. Buda) (Prod. By Krynkman)Kwame Agyei CueSeptember 17, 2013April 27, 2022 by Kwame Agyei CueSeptember 17, 2013April 27, 20220 Song Title: Shoe Lace Artiste: Kwaw Kese, Buda Album: Single Producer: Krynkman Kwaw Kese – Shoe Lace (feat. Buda) DOWNLOAD...