MusicShatta Wale – Fans Dem Loyal (Loyal Cover)Kwame Agyei CueAugust 4, 2014January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueAugust 4, 2014January 5, 20200 Song Title: Fans Dem Loyal (Loyal Cover) Artist Shatta Wale Shatta Wale – Fans Dem Loyal (Loyal Cover) [Download]...
MusicMugeez – Girls Dem Lover [Loyal Cover]Kwame Agyei CueMay 14, 2014January 5, 2020 by Kwame Agyei CueMay 14, 2014January 5, 20200 From the camp of R2Bees nation is a new mixtape by Mugeez, doing it on Chris Browns’ Loyal instrumental. Its a dancehall refix “Girl Dem...