After releasing his first single of the year, the highlife classic “Obiaa,” Phrimpong switches up genres with a new song called “Obi Ba,” featuring Oseikrom...
“Fly Girl (Remix)” by Beeztrap KOTM, featuring Oseikrom Sikanii and Gyakie, is a compelling blend of trap and Afrobeat produced by Pixels. The song tells...
Get the right lyrics for “Fly Girl,” the latest single by Beeztrap KOTM featuring Oseikrom Sikanii & Gyakie. The track was produced by Pixel. Nwansena...
Ghanaian rapper and Genius Music Group signee, ItzLific present this brand new hiphop song dubbed “Yagye Sika”. Song features Ypee and Oseikrom Sikanii, and is...
Celebrity & Lifestyle blogger Zionfelix pulls a big surprise by recording his first single titled Kumerica which features top musicians from Kumasi. The hiphop song...
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