Ghanaian musician Phrimpong has recently released his first single for the year titled “Obiaa.” This captivating track, produced by the talented Khendi Beats, seamlessly blends indigenous sonic rhythms...
It’s hot! Strongman, Amerado, and Qwame Stika are featured in King Paluta‘s remix of “Yahitte,” which slaps even better. Three months after going official with...
New music discovery, NBee recruits Kwesi Amewuga and Otopey for Ankwanoma, an underrated jam. NBee doubles as a health practitioner and a rapper heavily gifted...
Celebrated Ghanaian saxophonist Mizter Okyere connects Yaa Pono for a magical composition dubbed Vanity. Highlife meets rap on a soothing live recording. Its been a...
Strongman releases ‘Di Woho Ni’, which features singer cum producer Apya as part of his social responsibility to the people of the region and Ghana....
Ghanaian song writer and singer, Mzbel finally ends the anticipation for the expected jam Asibolanga. The Amapiano vibe, Asibolanga is her first single for the...
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